

The term well-being or known as Nurture Life (養生) in Chinese has had a profound influence on daily life for generations and has also been regarded by many scholars, both domestic and influenced by western culture, as a novel or alternative field of study.


In reality, Nurture Life is a straight forward approach to one's perspective on life and attitude towards living. It encompasses various aspects such as environments, diet, exercise, mental and spiritual health, and social interaction. This concept emphasizes balance and holistic well-being to ensure harmony between the mind, body, and spirit. Regularity and Discipline are the principles that enhance and stabilize the quality of life.


Because well-being encompasses all aspects of life and existence, we apply a comprehensive, macroscopic, and microscopic lenses to observe and contemplate. Through the process of learning, we gain insights into prevention, psychology, behavior, healthcare, astronomy, geography, society, traditional Chinese medicine, and even delve deeper into understanding our past lives and grasp the potential for future changes.


After gaining this understanding, it's essential to put it into practice by returning to a fundamental lifestyle that adheres to regularity and discipline. This is the fundamental principle of learning wellness: living within it, a noun and a verb.



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