I’d rather deal with 32°C than freeze at -32°C. Most people here are surprised on our return, but only a few take the time to understand why.

In Cantonese, 痴線 (Chi Xin) means crazy, off-track, a misfit, 痴 is to stick whereas 線 means threads or nerves. When you have sticky nerves, your mind wouldn’t function well (in the photo, 扇 means a fan and share the same pronunciation as 線, fun part of Cantonese).

Society trains us to think or act the same. If don’t fit in, you’re labeled as 'different.' This is especially true for neurodivergents and those with spiritual gifts—we perceive, learn, process, and foresee the world differently. Often, we can see what’s coming long before others, yet our insights are dismissed. When things work out, they may downplay the struggles we've overcome, turning their own insecurity into jealousy, the convo becomes passive aggressive.

Most importantly, everyone is different. Our life chart is as unique as our DNA, and our luck, like experiences, is one-of-a-kind and depends on how much of an effort a person is willing to put smartly. Before seeking understanding from others, we must first understand ourselves.

Then, to solve the ratio problem. Understand ourselves and place ourselves in the right environment, where more of us exist, we’re no longer 'misfits'—we’re understood, valued, and can thrive.

“Others laugh at me for being too crazy, I laugh at them for not seeing through” from Song of the Peach Blossom Cottage -- by Tang Baihu

To all neurodivergents: don’t give up and stop blaming. It’s about understanding your own potential and then you’ll know where the right place is for you next. The world needs us to balance out.


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